Maybe Bonnie Watson Coleman Needs Her Medication
/Bonnie Watson Coleman
Unfortunately we ran out of time to discuss this during our last show, but I still cannot believe Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman asked Congressman Louie Gohmert, “Do you need your medication” during Peter Strzok’s testimony last week. And, her screaming at Congressman Trey Gowdy “…This is not Benghazi” was ridiculous.
Shame on for propping the congresswoman up with a headline stating she scolded another member of congress while completely ignoring her ridiculous free tampon legislation.
Really, what Watson Coleman did was what she does best, scream and yell at people she disagrees with, like that time she yelled at a guy and had him forcibly removed for asking about the amount of time served by her son and stepson for robbing a Toys-R-Us store. Apparently, they served five years in state prison on charges that usually get 20 years.
Bonnie Watson Coleman is an embarrassment.