Bob Menendez Had Breakfast With A Group Of Women
/Senator Bob Menendez
U.S. Senator Bob Menendez had breakfast with a group of 16 women this past Friday and not one single one of them needed help with their visas to come and see their sugar daddy. Maybe that’s why in the photo in the online version of The Jersey Journal’s story about the breakfast the senator has a frown on his face.
Sen. Menendez is going to try to milk Bob Hugin’s Princeton past for all it’s worth. According to the story Menendez said, “My opponent didn't want to have you all join him in a dining club in Princeton.”
Menendez seems to forget he had his own anti-woman history much more recently. Remember, he’s the guy who helped young women get into the country to see their sugar daddy? Menendez’s own lawyers conceded that the senator intervened on Salomen Melgen’s behalf when it came to getting Melgen’s young girlfriends into the country.
It appears Menendez has some bad polling numbers from the beating he’s been taking from Bob Hugin’s ads that highlight the senator’s much more recent past indiscretions.
Now the senator is trying to punch his way out of the corner. He can’t do it with the tried and true “the Republicans want to take away your Medicare” because it was alleged Menendez helped his buddy Dr. Melgen rip off Medicare.
Bob Menendez, who could barely get 60% of the vote against an opponent who spent no money is running scared. He knows he’s in a tough race so he’s throwing nearly 30 year old stuff at his opponent because he has much more recent stuff of his own to worry about. If Hugin can keep Menendez on the ropes we could see something special happen in November.