Stockton Poll: Grossman Trails Van Drew; Hugin Ahead Of Menendez In CD2


Stockton University released a poll yesterday. It’s a good news, bad news poll for Republicans.

First, the good news. Bob Hugin is ahead of Bob Menendez in CD2 by 10 points.

Now the bad news for Republicans. “Democrat Jeff Van Drew holds a 23-percentage-point lead over Republican Seth Grossman, 55 percent to 32 percent,” according to Stockton University.

Our fellow Republicans are partly to blame for Grossman’s poor showing in this poll. This is what happens when you refuse to get behind the party’s nominee. And, let’s not forget about Republicans who believe Jeff Van Drew is a conservative, he’s not.

Of course, Grossman’s campaign is partly to blame for these horrible numbers. He’s still unknown to most people outside of Atlantic County. 60 percent of those polled said they were unfamiliar with Grossman. He has a lot of work to do! Maybe it’s time for Grossman to stop refusing to go negative and start attacking Van Drew. A proud supporter of New Jersey’s failed bail reform, Van Drew wants South Jersey to be less safe. Van Drew has an anti-law enforcement history. Remember “Troopergate?”

So, for now, we’ll take the good news and hope Bob Hugin runs up even bigger numbers in South Jersey to offset some of the big liberal vote totals coming out of North Jersey.