Where Are Those Women Leaders Now? Will The Hypocrisy Ever Stop?


Remember that time a “group of 88 prominent female leaders from across New Jersey” attacked former U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin claiming he had “a pattern of intolerance” especially toward women? I do. It was on The Bob & Steve Show blog for the first time on July 23, 2018. Basically, I wrote about the fact these women were angry about Hugin’s defense of an all-male eating club years earlier, but didn’t give a shit about a U.S. Senator helping a dirty old man play sugar daddy to young women. I called out these women many times after that on their hypocrisy. And, here I am calling them out again.

Where are those women leaders now? Where are their statements about Governor Phil Murphy’s horrible pattern of not caring about women?

Here at The Bob & Steve Show we’ve been saying for at least six months that the treatment of women on Murphy’s soccer team, Sky Blue FC, was just the tip of the iceberg. Back on August 14, 2018 I wrote a piece, “Women’s Soccer: NJ Press Lets Governor Murphy Off The Hook,” in which I promised, “If New Jersey’s press is going to continue to let Murphy off the hook for the horrible treatment of the women on his soccer team and his hypocrisy on pay and gender equality then The Bob & Steve Show will do our best to keep reminding New Jerseyans of the BS Murphy is feeding us.”

Considering this is the 32nd time this blog has mentioned Murphy’s soccer team it should be obvious that promise has been kept.

So, back to the original question. Where are those women leaders now? Why aren’t they calling out Murphy over, at the very least, his history of willfully looking the other way while women are being mistreated?

While for months it seemed The Bob & Steve Show was the only voice out there calling out Murphy on his treatment of women it appears others are catching on – FINALLY. Just two weeks ago the Star-Ledger ran an editorial, “Lift the gag rule on women in Murphy campaign,” in which they wrote, in part:

Is the mistreatment of women a common occurrence in Murphy world?

Last week, Jonathan Berkon, an attorney for Phil Murphy's campaign, testified that there were several complaints about the campaign atmosphere, although he did not specify if all were from women or related to gender hostility.

But at least three women have now complained in the press.

It’s nice to see New Jersey’s press finally starting to catch up.

Now, how about all those Democratic women? When are they going to catch up and start calling out Murphy for his mistreatment of women?

I know the answer is never, but it would be nice to see the hypocrisy come to an end.