Gloucester Township BOE Candidate Who Lied About His Residency Has First Meeting Tonight
/Brian Reagan
Remember Brian Reagan, the guy who won a BOE seat in Gloucester Township without actually living there?
Well, at least he now spends “a couple nights a week” in the Township home he owns. According to at least two neighborhood residents Reagan has been spending some nights in the home since Township residents learned The Bob & Steve Show started asking questions about his residency.
Perhaps Reagan will answer questions from voters tonight during his first BOE meeting. I emailed him a question on November 26, 2018 and still haven’t had the courtesy of a reply.
There are many questions left unanswered. We already knew, Reagan splits his time between a home in Margate on North Jefferson and his girlfriend’s home on Hamilton Street in Philly, but one could ask exactly how much time is now being spent at his Cedar Creek Drive home in Gloucester Township?
Folks could also ask why his bio on his campaign website was a lie:
There are many other questions one could ask of Mr. Reagan. We listed some of those questions here.
Another question someone might ask Reagan is: was this slightly outdated online dating profile of his how he met his current girlfriend?
One also might wonder if Reagan is a heavy drinker or if he simply posts a lot of drinking photos on social media to look cool?
And, speaking of looking cool, one could ask if he’ll ever attend a school board meeting dressed like this:
Please don’t be upset with The Bob & Steve Show for poking fun at Reagan. If you want to be upset with anyone perhaps you should look at the voters in Gloucester Township who thought it would be a good idea to vote for a guy with a website that has a registrant address the same as a porn shop. Enjoy your new school board member Gloucester Township. We will stay on him until we get answers to our questions.