US Senate: Flanagan Brandishes Her Pro-Life Credentials
/Tricia Flanagan
This morning I blogged about some action in next year’s US Senate primary. Mostly it was that Stuart Meissner picked up the first official endorsement from a county chairman in the 2020 GOP Senate primary. And, there was the fact that I had to eat a little humble pie and say something nice about Hirsh Singh. I mean seriously, writing the words, “Singh is a legitimate candidate,” caused me as much chest pain as the night I had my heart attack. They were not easy words to write.
Not to be outdone Tricia Flanagan had a “Guest Contributor” piece published on InsiderNJ this afternoon.
You can read the piece here. If anyone ever doubted Flanagan’s pro-life stance, those doubts will be dashed after reading her piece.
It’s going to be a fun primary season!