US Senate: Meissner Picks Up An Endorsement, Singh Calls Himself Frontrunner
/Stuart Meissner
This morning, within three minutes of each other, InsiderNJ and New Jersey Globe are out with the news that announced GOP candidate for US Senate Stuart Meissner has announced the endorsement of Hudson County Republican Chairman Jose Arango. This is the first official endorsement from a county chairman in the 2020 GOP Senate primary.
Arango offered a strong endorsement of Meissner. From the InsiderNJ report:
“Cory Booker is always looking for the next best thing,” said Arango in a statement. “That’s not Stuart Meissner. Stuart’s only focus will be on New Jersey—and not on higher office. He’s a different kind of candidate who will clean up our state that has been left badly broken by greed and corruption. We deserve a problem-solver who cares about the hard-working people of the Garden State. We need a Republican who will unify all our members as the Party of Growth Opportunity and Prosperity—that’s our next Senator, Stuart Meissner.”
Meissner is an “interesting” candidate, and since I no longer have a dog in this fight I’ll pay more attention to what comes out of his campaign.
Another candidate in the US Senate race, who also hasn’t put The Bob & Steve Show on his press list, Hirsh Singh came with a statement this morning in which he called himself the frontrunner. To be fair, Singh will likely never put this show on his press list because, well let’s just say he and I will not be sending each other Christmas cards.
Singh’s statement was apparently his thoughts on the 2019 elections and/or his thoughts on restoring conservative values to NJ based on the title of the statement. I couldn’t really tell because it wasn’t an easy read, mostly he complained about California.
Whatever the point of Singh’s statement, he should use some of that $100K he’s raised to hire a writer. In the statement Singh refers to himself as “frontrunner,” something The Bob & Steve Show will likely never call him, but he has raised 100 grand so, while it pains me to say it, Singh is a legitimate candidate.
Others in the race include Rik Mehta, who I assume has some money as he has some pretty good consultants on his team, my former client Tricia Flanagan and Natalie Rivera.
There are rumors others will be getting into this race. We’ll sit back, watch and update you if (and when) someone else gets in.