Winegar Leaving State Party To Manage Kean’s Campaign
/Theresa Winegar (stolen from Twitter)
Last night, at 8:03PM a press release landed in the inbox. The subject line was “NJGOP Chairman Announces New State Party Executive Director.” I flipped open my laptop with the intention of posting the release, but I got sidetracked and rather than post the release I sent a text to current Executive Director Theresa Winegar congratulating her on the new gig as the campaign manager of Tom Kean’s congressional campaign. Naturally, I threw in a little bit of the “colorful language” that my mother hates and many folks know me for:
It’s no secret we play favorites at The Bob & Steve Show and the Executive Director of the NJGOP is a favorite of mine. Theresa Winegar is one of the very few 2009 Chris Christie alums I’ve managed to stay in touch with since working that campaign as his South Jersey Regional Political Director. I have nothing but respect for her – she doesn’t talk trash behind anyone’s back, has the courage to say what she means, does her job extremely well and has bigger cojones than many of the men I’ve come across over the years in this business – Chairman Doug Steinhardt is losing a valuable asset who will be extremely difficult to replace. Tom Kean picked well!
Even better, my mayor likes her, and anybody good enough for Greenwich Township (the Gloucester County Greenwich) Mayor George W. Shivery, Jr. is good enough for me.
If not for Winegar I would probably still be railing against the party establishment. Only Theresa Winegar could have put my county chair, Gloucester County Chairwoman Jacci Vigilante and I into the same room and help us develop the working relationship we now have. Trust me, I was ready for a fight at that first meeting, Mayor Shivery was my second, today Vigilante and I laugh about it.
Winegar is the one who sold me on Chairman Doug Steinhardt. I’m glad she did because as I’ve said on the radio show he is the best state chairman our party has had since the days of Tom Wilson.
Bottom line: Winegar is a pro. I’m sure she’ll do well.
Tom Kean couldn’t have picked a better campaign manager. Congratulations on a great pick Senator. And, congratulations Theresa, now go kick some ass, I know you will!