Gustafson Gets In CD1 Race
/Claire Gustafson
As expected former Collingswood School Board member Claire Gustafson has jumped into the CD1 GOP congressional primary. Her press release follows:
COLLINGSWOOD – Former Collingswood school board member Claire Gustafson announced today, via video, that she has entered the race to challenge Congressman Donald Norcross in New Jersey’s First Congressional District.
Gustafson announced on November 12th that she formed an exploratory committee “to gauge interest and support into a possible candidacy for Congress” and said today, “The exploring is done. I spent the past few weeks talking with friends, family and colleagues and am confident we will be able to raise the funds necessary to run an aggressive campaign against Congressman Norcross and the political machine that has a stranglehold on South Jersey.”
In her announcement video Gustafson makes it clear she is a pro-President Trump Republican saying, “I am unapologetically Republican and proudly stand with President Trump. I am a Republican because I believe in hard work, self-reliance, smaller government, the preservation of our Judeo-Christian values and the free-enterprise system that has made America the envy of the world.”
Gustafson’s announcement video can be viewed at, or
About Claire Gustaafson: Active in her community, Claire is currently the President of Camden County New Jersey Republican Women, a former school board member in Collingswood, a former soccer and Little League coach and a member of Collingswood’s historic commission. She’s owned her own small business for over 30 years and is married with four sons, one daughter and several grandchildren.