It’s Been 119 Days Since Testa Challenged Andrzejczak To A Debate And Still No Answer
/Michael Testa
Back on June 25th we wrote that it had been 92 days since Republican candidate for state Senate in LD1, Michael Testa challenged temporary state senator Bob Andrzejczak to a debate.
In May we wrote that it had been 60 days since “Mike Testa, sent a letter to Democratic party temporary state Senator Bob Andrzejczak challenging him to a debate “regarding the $4.5 million in school funding cuts foisted upon our district by your Democratic Party leaders in Trenton.”
Both times we offered to create a fair venue for a debate between the two suggesting they debate on the Bob & Steve Show and offering to have two Democrats of Andrzejczak’s choosing co-host with us. I’ve talked with Testa about it, he even filled in for Bob on the show a couple of weeks ago and basically said he would debate Andrzejczak, any place, any time.
Andrzejczak on a debate? 119 days later and still crickets.
Not one word from Andrzejczak on our offer. It’s not like he doesn’t know where the radio station is. He went on another show on the station since Testa issued his challenge. The only word about a debate on that show was the host saying he would debate Testa, which of course had absolutely nothing to do with the two candidates debating.
So, even on an appearance on the radio station our show is heard on Andrzejczak chose not to say one word about Testa’s challenge to a debate.
I don’t necessarily fault the show’s host for not pressing Andrzejczak. When you have a member of the opposite party on your show you do have to be somewhat delicate if you want others to come on eventually. We once had the Senate President on and were very respectful, but we still asked questions we’re sure were uncomfortable for him. That said, I do fault the show’s host for not asking if there will be a debate. It’s a question that could have been asked in a respectful manner.
So, here we are, 119 days since Testa issued his challenge to debate Andrzejczak and there still is no answer.
Our offer still stands. We will happily host a debate, with two members of the Democratic party as co-hosts of Andrzejczak’s choosing. What could be more fair?
Imagine if it were the other way around and a Republican refused to answer a debate challenge from a Democrat. Local media would have a field day with that!
So what is it Mr. Andrzejczak, will there be a debate?