Phil Murphy’s Sanctuary State Policy Hits Close To Home
/Gov. Phil Murphy
Late last month the state of Delaware saw a “historic million-dollar drug bust.” I honestly didn’t pay much attention to the story until I stumbled across this headline: Delaware State Drug Suspects Living in Gloucester City Are Illegal Aliens.
You read that headline right! The largest heroin and fentanyl bust in Delaware history was courtesy of illegal aliens. And, those illegal aliens, Julian Rivera-Villa, age 56, and Ricardo Perez-Guillen, age 40, were living right here in South Jersey. Camden County – Gloucester City to be exact, which is where one of the suspects, Rivera-Villa, was arrested.
According to the GloucesterCityNews report, a U.S. Attorney’s Office District of Delaware press release and page 7 of the criminal complaint filed by the DOJ some of their heroin was seized right here in South Jersey in hidden compartments in a car registered to Perez-Guillen.
If illegal aliens cannot legally obtain a drivers license in New Jersey one has to wonder how Perez-Guillen, a Mexican national, was able to register his car in New Jersey.
Even with an illegal alien somehow registering a car, driving that car on the streets of South Jersey and over a bridge to Delaware to sell illegal drugs, there are still liberal groups pushing for illegals to get drivers licenses and so is Governor Phil Murphy. It makes no sense to allow illegal aliens to obtain a drivers license!
Thanks for the sanctuary state policy Mr. Murphy.