REPORT: Steinhardt Is In!
/Doug Steinhardt
New Jersey Globe is first out with the news (that everyone assumed was coming)! David Wildstein, the guy who never sleeps, reports:
New Jersey Republican State Chairman Doug Steinhardt, one of Gov. Phil Murphy’s fiercest critics for the last three years, has decided to seek the Republican nomination for Governor in 2021, filing incorporation papers with the state to establish a campaign committee on Wednesday evening.
It appears South Jersey is shaping up to be a battleground.
Cumberland County GOP Chair state Senator Michael Testa and Salem County Republican Chair Linda DuBois offering support to Steinhardt in the New Jersey Globe piece.
Conventional wisdom has Gloucester going with Jack Ciattarelli. Camden is looking at going to a convention to decide who gets that line.
Ciattarelli rolled out a bunch of endorsements in Atlantic recently and word on the street is Cape May leans Steinhardt.
This all means South Jersey should see plenty of primary election action.
We all know the arguments against the two frontrunners, I’m not going to rehash them here because we are all going to read them on the social media pages of the other candidate in the race, former beauty pageant winner Hirsh Singh, as he bangs away at his keyboard from the comfort of his parents’ basement.
Choose wisely folks because, believe it or not, Governor Phil Murphy is going to be tough to beat.