US Senate Candidate Begs For Letters Of Support; Is The Singh Campaign Getting Desperate?
/Singh during the talent portion at a beauty pageant
It’s time to face reality. And the reality that is hard for some to face is that the Republican primary for US Senate is a two-man race between biotech entrepreneur, frontrunner Rik Mehta and former beauty pageant winner Hirsh Singh.
I get it! I’ve been around politics long enough to know campaigns recruit supporters to write letters to the editor supporting their candidate. I know some campaigns that have gone so far as to write the letters and find volunteers willing to sign them. It’s a common practice and that’s fine.
What I have never seen is a candidate get on social media to beg people to write letters and actually admit they need to “increase our name recognition.” That’s exactly what Singh is doing. Begging for folks to write letters to the editor:
Not only is Singh begging supporters to send letters, he’s encouraging them to stay on the editors to ensure the letters get published. And, the writers should be “self motivated and initiate the letter.” If they were self-motivated they would be doing this without Singh going on social media and begging them to do it.
Maybe I’m a little jaded because I recently had to warn a Singh troll to stop posting on our Facebook page the same old, tired, ridiculous attacks against Mehta, you know more of the same old RINO bullshit.
Or maybe the reason Singh is on social media begging people to write letters to the editor is that I was right when I wrote, “the Singh campaign has a “net value” of ($18,773). NEGATIVE $18,773!”
Perhaps having a campaign organization with a lower net value than long-shot social media campaigner Tricia Flanagan has driven Singh to take a page out of her book and he’s trying to become a social media campaigner too. That’s not going to work, Flanagan already occupies the “Donald Trump could do it, so can I lane.” Newsflash to both: neither of you are Donald Trump!
It’s not like this race is hard to handicap. Mehta is the only candidate with enough real money in the bank to get his message out to the voters and he has the majority of the county lines. The four lines Singh won are easily offset by what Mehta has. The pathetic begging for letters to the editor is just another sign Singh doesn’t have the money to compete. And all the social media in the world isn’t going to convince enough primary election voters that the same old, tired, ridiculous attacks against Mehta and the same old RINO bullshit are anywhere near true, which they aren’t.
Hold on to your seats, there are going to be many more acts of desperation between now and July 7.