Senate Candidate Benefited Greatly During Obama Administration
/Hirsh Singh
Last week I wrote about how “internet trolls were making the claim that frontrunner Republican US Senate candidate Rik Mehta was an Obama appointee, then the trolls changed the narrative to he was an Obama Administration official with the ridiculous claim that “his big promotion was given by Barack Obama.”
I went on to point out that, in fact, Mehta started his career during the President George W Bush administration.
While writing that piece I thought if a candidate, or supporters of a candidate, want to make a false claim about another candidate benefiting from president Barack Obama’s administration then it is fair game to point out how much money the other candidate made off Obama’s administration.
Or to put it plainly – if Hirsh Singh and his supporters want to claim Rik Mehta made money off the Obama administration, I should probably look and see how much money Singh’s family made during the Obama years.
It’s a lot of money! At least $35,828,281.
Naturally, Singh may try to make the case that it’s his daddy’s company, and it may be true, but Singh is at least partially responsible for the money that came in to Hi-Tec Systems according to his own biography:
Singh doesn’t get to say he was a Business Development Specialist and then say he had nothing to do with the money that came into the family business from the Obama administration. He can’t have it both ways.
Perhaps all the government money coming into the family business in 2009 is why in June of that year Singh tweeted glowingly about then President Obama’s speech in Cairo, Egypt:
Screenshot I took of Singh’s Twitter back in the 2018 congressional primary
So, why do I use the phrase “At least $35,828,281” when writing about the money the Singh family business brought in during the Obama administration?
When searching Hi-Tec Systems on using the firm’s DUNS number one comes up with $41.6 million:
And just for fun, here is where I found the company’s DUNS number:
And, to arrive with “At least $35,828,281” I scrolled down on the page to this:
Hovering over the bars in the graph on the page shows exactly how much money came in during the years. I simply added the numbers during Obama’s years in office to arrive at $35,828,281.
Scroll back up and look at the graph. Something I noticed is that under President Donald Trump the Singh family business government contract money has flatlined worse than my EKG in the middle of my heart attack. Zero new awards in 2017, 2018, 2019 and so far in 2020.
Who knows, maybe the reason Singh wanted to be Governor, then US Senator, then Congressman and now US Senator again is that it’ll make it easier for the family business to get back in the government contract game.
I also have it ask, is it possible that the reason Hi-Tec Systems announced on its Facebook page on April 16, 2019 that they changed their name is that it has no new government contracts under the Trump administration?
Whatever the reason is for Singh’s continuous reach for such hi-profile offices, one thing is clear, his family business did much better under Obama than Trump.
With two weeks to go before you have to get your mail-in ballot filled out, the moral to this story is don’t yell and scream about a government job your opponent had when your family business was raking in over $35 million under the Obama administration.