Psychedelic Singh
/Hirsh Singh
Remember when former beauty pageant winner Hirsh Singh wasted $1 million of his daddy’s money running for Governor? He came out with the not-so-conservative idea of spending taxpayer money to build a bridge from Cape May to Delaware. He was also very proud of the “pro-marijuana legalization” plank of his platform.
One would think that if your campaign constantly lies and attacks one of your opponents as an opiate pusher that the trolls supporting your campaign you might remember that you were once very proud of yourself for publicly proclaiming your personal love of an illegal drug. Not Singh!
One would also think that if you took the time to clean up old posts on your social media accounts to hide your misogynistic views, the fact you like to “GET F_CKED UP and allegedly had a “propensity to get into fights” one would delete a psychedelic-style video of himself from his TikTok account. Nope, not Singh, aka hvser, aka KrispierStout.
I know some Singh troll is going to say something like, Singh doesn’t live in Washington, DC, in response to the profile picture on the right. That may be true, he doesn’t live there, but that’s exactly where he ran and hid after losing the 2018 congressional primary, his daddy’s place at 1417 17th Street NW, though a reliable source says it may have been sold in 2019. Doesn’t matter, even when he’s in hiding Singh stays under his daddy’s roof.
But my real questions are what exactly did Singh mean back in the day when he said he wanted to “Get f_cked up!”? Did he mean he wanted to go out and smoke some of the marijuana he wants to legalize? Did he maybe want to do something stronger?
And, knowing the “Get f_cked up” quote is out there, what would have possessed Singh to make a psychedelic looking TikTok video at a festival in Woodstock while he was licking his wounds after his congressional primary loss?
To be clear, I am not alleging drug use by Singh. It could be he’s just f_cked up. Enjoy Singh’s 10 second TikTok video (and I have a copy to replace if it suddenly gets deleted):