PRESS RELEASE: Ambrosino: The Voting Booth Guarantees Your Ballot Is Secret

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Camden County GOP Chair Rich Ambrosino offered a statement of support for a lawsuit filed against Governor Phil Murphy by NJGOP, the Republican National Committee and President Donald Trump’s re-election committee. His press release on the matter follows:

Camden County Republican Chairman Rich Ambrosino said today that he was thrilled NJGOP joined the Republican National Committee and President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign in suing Phil Murphy to overturn his executive order requiring more than 6 million vote-by-mail ballots to be mailed to New Jersey voters.

“The secret ballot is essential to our democracy and the privacy of the voting booth is the one thing that guarantees that secrecy,” Rich Ambrosino said. “NJGOP is right to join President Trump’s re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee in suing to overturn Governor Murphy’s scheme to mail over 6 million vote-by-mail ballots to New Jersey’s voters.”

“Throughout this pandemic the Governor has claimed science and data guide his decisions, but science and data have nothing to do with his decision to mail ballots to voters.” Ambrosino continued, “You cannot allow folks to march in protests and then say the science and data suggest the same folks who march in protests would not be safe standing in line to vote.”

Ambrosino added, “If Murphy were truly concerned with using data to guide his decision on voting he could have called congressional candidate Claire Gustafson. Her campaign commissioned a poll that ran July 26 – 30. She shared the data with us and the poll found that the majority of CD1 voters want to vote in person at a polling place. That’s real data! It’s time for Governor Murphy to cut the crap and admit that data had nothing to do with his VBM decision.”

“I’m not a lawyer and have no idea how a court will rule on this lawsuit, but I am hopeful New Jersey’s voters realize it is President Trump and the Republican Party standing up for voters to be guaranteed the right to vote in the privacy of the voting booth,” Ambrosino said.