Hirsh Singh Can Afford Kool-Aid, Jim Jones Used Fla-Vor-Aid
/Hirsh Singh
Former beauty pageant winner Hirsh Singh has officially announced he is a candidate for Governor in 2021. The other announced Republican candidate for Governor is former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli.
There are many differences between the two candidates, but I like to point out the fun ones: Ciattarelli moved out of his parents’ house, Singh continues to live in mommy and daddy’s basement. Ciattarelli went to college, got a job on his own, eventually started his own business, won elections to council, Freeholder and Assembly. Singh went to college, was given a no-show job in daddy’s company, won a beauty contest, lost a gubernatorial primary, dropped out of a US Senate primary, lost a congressional primary and lost a US Senate primary that he’s still crying about.
A major difference between these two announced candidates is that Ciattarelli understands the winner of the primary runs against Governor Phil Murphy. Singh doesn’t seem to have a clue as to who he is trying to win the opportunity to run against.
Singh’s entire strategy appears to be whining and crying about some mythical establishment that rigged an election against him.
Even worse, a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking morons believe every word that comes from Singh’s keyboard.
For some reason I decided to look and see what led to Singh posting about “fake Republicans” on social media this morning and discovered this press release on InsiderNJ.
I’m not going to publish the entire release because it’s over 500 words of stupid. Singh spends most of his time attacking former Governor Chris Christie and Republican National Committeeman Bill Palatucci.
Why attack these guys? Christie and Palatucci aren’t running for anything.
The answer is simple, Singh went after Christie because he knew he would get some traction on social media. I’ll give him credit for being smart enough to know that. But they aren’t running for governor, so it doesn’t help his cause – not even a little bit.
After Singh gets done whining about Christie and Palatucci he switches gears and starts with his tried and true attacks against the mythical establishment. From Singh’s release:
The centerpiece of Singh’s gubernatorial campaign is to fix the electoral system in New Jersey as he himself was the victim of electoral fraud during the 2020 US Senate primary election. Every single type of fraud that Singh experienced has been used against President Trump as well. Singh also has a lawsuit that reached the US Supreme Court in October this year and with arguments nearly identical to those in the lawsuits filed later by President Trump’s teams. In both the case of Singh and President Trump, the NJ GOP and their most experienced operatives have been in cahoots with the Democrats in making the fraud a systemic feature of our election system.
The New Jersey establishment had set up a Democrat named Rik Mehta in the 2020 US Senate primary election to oppose Singh and rigged the primary in Mehta’s favor. They then joined the Democrats in opposing election transparency despite evidence of massive fraud. As a result of Mehta’s Senate candidacy, the Republican Party in New Jersey has nearly been wiped out.
The centerpiece of Singh’s gubernatorial campaign is to fix the electoral system in New Jersey? Is he nuts? Hirsh Singh has never paid a dime in rent or a mortgage or a utility bill and now he wants to fix an electoral system. If you believe he can fix anything you are drinking Hirsh Singh’s Kool-Aid and need to stop before it’s too late.
And, Singh is still whining about the “New Jersey establishment” setting up “a Democrat.” He even goes as far to say they “rigged the primary.” Perhaps Singh forgot that same “New Jersey establishment” awarded him the county line in four counties for the primary.
Get real! Hirsh Singh didn’t believe the establishment rigged anything when he was competing for county lines. If he truly believed that line of garbage he would not have competed for those lines. And, if you believe that garbage you’re still drinking Singh’s Kool-Aid.
I’m fairly certain others will get into the GOP primary for Governor and I am equally certain Singh will play the role of spoiler. The problem is no matter how whacky Singh is, no matter that he is completely unqualified to be Governor of anything, Singh has a following. His followers are as loyal as the followers of Jim Jones. And, those followers are eager to sallow some Kool Aid.
I can do nothing to stop folks from following Singh but I can ask that if he offers you some sort of Jim Jones style grape drink that you not take it. Though I suspect Singh will use Kool Aid rather than the Flavor Aid found at Jonestown.
At least, until Singh loses another primary, he’ll give me something to write about when the news is slow.