Camden Mayor Doesn’t Want Voters To Decide Who Serves On The School Board

Mayor Moran

Mayor Moran

Camden City Mayor Francisco “Frank” Moran, the man who will not tolerate anyone talking down to his city, unless that “anyone” is Congressman Donald Norcross has decided to weigh in on a ballot question.

The question on the ballot is, “Shall the Camden City Board of Education remain a Type 1 school district with the Board of Education members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Camden?

Camden Ballot Question.JPG

The Interpretive Statement makes it clear:

A vote of YES will result in members of the Camden City Board of Education being appointed by the Mayor, as is the current practice.

A vote of NO will result in members of the Camden City Board of Education being elected by the voters as their current terms expire.

It appears Mayor Moran, in his letter to “Dear Friend” wants to keep the power in his hands. In the letter Moran asks “Dear Friend” to vote yes on the question. Camden voters should be fuming because their mayor is asking them to vote to leave all the power in his hands, leaving voters powerless in saying anything about who runs their school system.

Moran Letter.JPG

 For a guy who will not tolerate anyone talking down to his city it appears to me Moran does exactly that by sending a letter to voters that essentially tells them he knows better than they do who should serve on their school board.

Is This The Reason Camden Mayor Frank Moran Was Afraid To Call Out Congressman Donald Norcross Over Comments About Camden Workforce?

Camden Mayor Frank Moran

Camden Mayor Frank Moran

Social media is a wonderful tool for politicians, it’s also great for those of us who talk about those politicians on the radio or write about the politicians using social media. Thanks to a post earlier today on the City of Camden’s Facebook page we can now ask if the reason Camden Mayor Frank Moran was afraid to call out Congressman Donald Norcross for comments he made about Camden’s workforce is the mayor’s chummy relationship with the congressman’s big brother.

The post that causes us to ask the question:

“Mayor Frank Moran joins Cooper University Healthcare Board Chairman George Norcross, Cooper University Healthcare CEO Adrienne Kirby & Senate President Steve Sweeney as they celebrate the 5th Anniversary of MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper in Camden. Camden is proud to be home to the premier comprehensive cancer center in the U.S. if not the world!”

A post on the City of Camden Government Facebook page. Screenshot taken approximately 2:30PM 9/25/2018

A post on the City of Camden Government Facebook page. Screenshot taken approximately 2:30PM 9/25/2018

Look at the photo of the mayor and George Norcross. Look how happy they look together.

Mayor Moran and George Norcross. The same photo is in the bottom left corner of the above Facebook post by the City of Camden Government’s. Photo was taken from that Facebook page at approximately 2:30PM.

Mayor Moran and George Norcross. The same photo is in the bottom left corner of the above Facebook post by the City of Camden Government’s. Photo was taken from that Facebook page at approximately 2:30PM.

I have no idea how well Moran and Norcross know each other, but a picture does say a thousand words, and sometimes more. The two appear very friendly in the picture. Maybe that friendliness is why Moran never called out the younger Norcross.

Camden Mayor: “We Will Not Tolerate Anyone Speaking Down To My City.” (Unless His Name Is Norcross)

Camden Mayor Frank Moran

Camden Mayor Frank Moran

“This is a warning to anyone that wishes to diss my city,” and “We will not tolerate anyone speaking down to my city.” You may recall those were the words of Camden Mayor Frank Moran after a perceived “diss” of the City of Camden by Holtec’s CEO Kris Singh. As has been pointed out in this blog, more than once, Moran has failed to recognize that Congressman Donald Norcross made remarks that backed up Singh’s comments.

Not only has Moran given Norcross a free pass on “dissing” his city, the mayor and congressman stood united at the Camden Working summit on Wednesday. The Courier-Post, noted in an article, “Holtec was conspicuous by its absence from the gathering.”

Of course, Holtec was absent from the Camden Working event, the mayor of the city attacked the company’s CEO because he said something that was so true that the area’s congressman backed up what the CEO said.

Now, I don’t live under a rock, nor am I an idiot, so I get it. Mayor Moran is a Democrat, so is Congressman Norcross and when one chooses to take part in partisan politics one should show party unity at every opportunity. That could be why Mayor Moran displayed a complete lack of a spine and never called out Norcross for his “diss” of Camden’s workforce.

I also understand there are times when rules need to be broken. I was part of Chris Christie ’09. I burned a lot of bridges that may never be repaired doing what needed to be done for then candidate Christie – even “bullying” a party chair into awarding him the line in the primary (that particular chair wanted to go with Steve Lonegan). But when Christie “dissed” South Jersey Republicans I called him out publicly. Some Republicans hated me for it, but it was the right thing to do because if you aren’t willing to stand up to people in your own party you lack credibility when fighting against the other.

Mayor Moran refused to recognize that you need to stand up to members of your own party. Instead he gave Congressman Norcross a free pass and then rubbed salt in the wound by standing with Norcross at the Camden Working summit.

The Courier-Post, Philadelphia Inquirer and South Jersey Times (to a lesser extent) all cover Camden politics and not one of them has called out Moran for not going after Norcross in the same way he attacked Singh. The South Jersey Times went the extra mile and propped up Norcross in an editorial. To me, the local press in South Jersey is part of the problem. If they are willing to join Camden’s mayor in giving the congressman a free pass, why should anyone stand up to fight the machine?

As far as the press is concerned the story is dead. We promised to stay on it and we are doing our best. Unfortunately, the protests are over, the Camden Working summit has passed and everyone in Camden has forgotten their mayor lacked the courage to stand up to one of his fellow Democrats and come election voters of that city will simply vote for Democrats even though that party has failed the city for decades.

The only question left is will Mayor Moran accept my invitation to come on The Bob & Steve Show and explain his double standard?