Singh Announces For Governor, Guarantees He Isn’t Moving Out Of Mommy And Daddy’s Basement Anytime Soon
/Hirsh Singh
When discussing the blog with Bob over the weekend topics we talked about for this morning’s post were obviously the current vote count and other things related to this election. I did not think I would end up writing about 2021, not yet anyway.
That all changed with former beauty pageant winner Hirsh Singh announcing on social media, Harry Hurley’s radio show and with Bill Spadea on 101.5 this morning that he is running for Governor. I seriously doubt he’ll make an appearance on our show – though as a candidate he is welcome to come on.
The funny thing is that in the weeks heading up to this election I’ve had conversations with folks and suggested Singh would be dumb not to take a shot because he did so well off the line in the most recent US Senate primary.
This does not mean I will be supportive, it simply means the kid has a following. Fortunately for former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli and any other candidate who jumps into Governor 2021 Singh’s followers are a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t knock on doors or head to the phone banks.
Singh ran for Governor in the 2017 Republican primary and his daddy gave him $1,000,000. How much is his daddy willing to throw away this time?
The one thing that Singh announcing he is running for Governor guarantees is that he will not be moving out of mommy and daddy’s basement any time soon. If he does, he can’t use daddy’s money to run for Governor.
2021 is shaping up to be fun! Stay tuned.