State Senator Ronald Rice, Sex Toys and Oils with Marijuana and possibly a Reason Whoopi Goldberg went off on Jeanine Pirro
/Bob and I laughed when we learned state Senator Ronald Rice told NJTV that there would be retail outlets selling “sex toys and oils with marijuana.”
Turns out Senator Rice was right, it really could happen. Glamour Magazine did a piece titled, “6 Weed Products Your Vagina Will Be Totally Cool With” a little over a year ago.
Discovering there was no longer a reason to laugh at Senator Rice’s fear of retail outlets selling sex toys and oils with marijuana lead me to learn that Whoopi Goldberg partnered with Om Edibles founder Maya Elisabeth and launched a line of marijuana products designed for relief from menstrual discomfort.
Curious, I visited the Whoopi and Maya Medical Cannabis website and learned Whoopi has a cacao product that can be “enjoyed plain with a spoon, on fruit or toast, or made into a sipping cacao with water, milk, or the milk alternative of your choice, heated to just below boiling.”
After reading all this I just can’t help wondering if the reason Whoopi Goldberg went off on Jeanine Pirro is that the coffee mug in front of Whoopi on the set of "The View" is filled with some of her special cacao product.
And, if you’re ever in California or Colorado and you want to try Whoopi’s cacao product you should know one serving has 160 calories, 150 of which are fat calories.