PRESS RELEASE: Ambrosino Calls Out Assemblywomen Lampitt And Mosquera For Being ‘Do As We Say Not As We Do’ South Jersey Democrats
/Rich Ambrosino
Camden County Republican Chairman Rich Ambrosino went after Assemblywomen Pam Lampitt and Gabriela Mosquera for being ‘do as we say not as we do’ South Jersey Democrats. His [press release follows:
HADDON HEIGHTS – Camden County Republican Chairman Rich Ambrosino asked today when Camden County’s Democrat Assemblywomen were going to end their hypocrisy.
At issue is a recent press release issued by Assemblywomen Pam Lampitt and Gabriela Mosquera heralding a bill offering support to victims of violence and abuse.
“While I agree victims of violence and abuse should be supported, I question the level of support Assemblywomen Lampitt and Mosquera actually provide to victims of violence and abuse, Camden County Republican Chairman Rich Ambrosino said. “Both Assemblywomen sat silently on the sidelines when the news of former Assemblyman Arthur Barclay’s arrest for a domestic incident broke.”
Ambrosino asked, “Where was their support for the former Assemblyman’s girlfriend after he punched her in the face?”
Ambrosino explained, “In their press release Lampitt said, ‘Each year, 10 million Americans will be physically abused by their partners, over 430,000 will be sexually assaulted and nearly 5 million seniors will experience elder abuse. These numbers are appalling and simply cannot be ignored.’”
“For once I agree with Lampitt, those numbers cannot be ignored.” Ambrosino continued, “It’s time for Lampitt to explain to the residents of her district why she chose to ignore the fact that an Assemblyman admitted to punching his girlfriend.”
“Did Assemblywomen Lampitt and Mosquera ignore the Barclay arrest because he’s in their party? Are they ignoring the fact he still has a county job because he’s in their party? Are Assemblywomen Lampitt and Mosquera happy with being silent hypocrites,” Ambrosino asked.
“This is just another example of the ‘do as we say not as we do’ South Jersey Democrats in action,” Ambrosino said.