Arthur Barclay Is Smarter Than Al Bundy
/Arthur Barclay
Two star high school athletes. One fictional, Al Bundy. One real, Arthur Barclay. One played football, the other basketball. One scored four touchdowns in a single game, the 1966 Chicago City Championship game, the other scored 1,259 points in his high school career and was recognized in 2013 by inclusion in the South Jersey Basketball Hall of Fame.
Bundy turned his high school athletic stardom into nothing.
Arthur Barclay managed to parlay his high school athletic stardom into a position on Camden’s City Council, a seat in New Jersey’s State Assembly, two different jobs with Camden County and coming soon, an appointment as a Commissioner on the Parking Authority of the City of Camden.
That’s right, former Assemblyman Arthur Barclay who resigned from the Assembly for “health reasons” after being arrested for simple assault during a domestic incident and was given a new county job and a pay raise since resigning is now getting appointed to the City Parking Authority. It’s on page 3 of the Camden City Council agenda for all to see:
I don’t know how a guy who admitted to punching his girlfriend and resigned a seat in New Jersey’s Assembly for “health reasons” gets shifted to a new county job and a cost of living pay raise and is now getting appointed to an Authority. Either the Camden County Democrats are fiercely loyal or Barclay has some dirt on someone.
Whatever the case, obviously Arthur Barclay is smarter than Al Bundy.