Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire: Singh Mailer Claims Palatucci Endorsement
/Hirsh Singh
It’s no secret that former beauty pageant winner and Republican candidate for US Senate Hirsh Singh and I aren’t best friends, probably because I never got over the fact he lied to me in our first ever phone conversation. For what it’s worth, I’m fairly certain Bill Palatucci isn’t one of my biggest fans either. I’m sure I made him mad a time or two over the years, but I make Bob mad at least once a week and he’s still doing the radio show with me.
The only reason I mention that I’m not on Singh or Palatucci’s Christmas card list is to demonstrate that I’m on no one’s side on this particular issue.
So, earlier today Camden County Republican Chairman Rich Ambrosino issued a statement ripping Republican US Senate candidate Hirsh Singh for using a campaign mailing to tell voters. “vote early and if you change your mind, vote again.”
Of course that led me to make some phone calls looking for this mailer, not just the letter, the whole thing.
Shockingly I learned that, according to the mailer, “NJ RNC Committeeman Bill Palatucci” has endorsed Singh.
Wait! Didn’t I read that Palatucci withdrew his endorsement of Singh?
The answer to that question is yes. New Jersey Globe covered that a week before the Singh mailer started hitting mailboxes. A little from the New Jersey Globe piece:
Republican National Committeeman Bill Palatucci has rescinded his endorsement of Hirsh Singh in the July 7 U.S. Senate primary and is now endorsing Rik Mehta.
Palatucci says he made the decision to endorse Mehta after a Singh campaign advisor repeated an unsubstantiated allegation against former Gov. Chris Christie on social media.
Not a good mailer from Singh, telling voters to break the law and vote twice and claiming he’s endorsed by someone who withdrew that endorsement.
I guess I’ll be staying of Singh’s Christmas card list.