Gubernatorial Primary Action: Ciattarelli Campaign Smacks Singh In New Web Ad
/Hirsh Singh during the talent portion of the beauty pageant he won
I wasn’t planning on starting my week writing about my favorite former beauty pageant winner, Hirsh Singh, but Jack Ciattarelli’s campaign has left me with no choice because the campaign is out with a new web ad that calls out Singh for praising former President Barack Obama’s Cairo Speech.
Singh got smacked with his own words!
Personally, I like the new Ciattarelli campaign ad because I have been sharing a screenshot of Singh’s social media post about Obama’s Cairo speech for over two years, since Singh’s party establishment backed campaign for Congress.
What I have never shared, because I didn’t have it in my Singh file, is Singh on video praising Obama’s Cairo speech saying, “I did on Facebook write that Obama’s Cairo speech was great and I said it was a very beautiful speech.”
Not only did Singh write that Obama’s Cairo speech was beautiful, he said it, on camera. Yet, only a week ago Singh was sharing a social media post from his retired landscaper out-of-work actor chief internet troll Joe Rullo calling a mailer that included Singh’s praise of the Obama speech lies.
I guess Rullo was passed out on the casting couch the day Singh gave the interview praising the Obama Cairo speech. Maybe he was mowing the Singh family lawn.
While Singh was playing the role of “Obama Apologist,” that’s what the ad accurately calls him, according to NPR reaction to Obama’s Cairo speech was mixed:
A Hamas spokesman dismissed Obama's remarks as "soft diplomacy" meant "to brighten the image of the United States," while a spokesman for the Palestinian Authority hailed it as "the beginning of a new American policy."
An Israeli government spokesman said he heard no major surprises, but a spokesman for the West Bank Settler's Council said the speech was "out of touch with reality ... the Muslim world is at war with the Western world."
It appears that Singh’s reaction to Obama’s Cairo speech was very much in line with the reaction of Hamas.
I bet Donald Trump is proud of Hirsh Singh today!
And, here’s the ad for your viewing pleasure: