Looks Like Singh’s Tough Guy Campaign Manager Picks On Kids Too (Part 1)
/King Penna (with that stupid bluetooth he always has in his ear)
Earlier today we shared on the blog a press release regarding, former beauty pageant winner Hirsh Singh’s campaign manager King Penna’s verbal assault on Jack Ciattarelli’s wife. In describing what led to the release we said, “The bottom line is, true to form, Penna decided to pick on a woman because he’s too weak to go at a man.”
To be clear, I don’t like Penna and the feeling is mutual. I wouldn’t give him a glass of water if I found him standing, stranded in the middle of a desert. But I would rub wet cat food on him and let the coyotes do the rest.
I haven’t liked Penna since I first met him in 2015 when he was losing a Freeholder primary election for John Cesaro, Christine Myers and Angleo Tedesco in Morris County. I was called to come in and rescue the campaign with about a month to go and we managed to win two of three, Cesaro and Myers. To this day Penna has Myers to thank for talking me out of punching him in the face. I apologize to Morris County for not doing it.
To be equally clear, I have no dog in this year’s GOP gubernatorial primary fight. I signed on with Doug Steinhardt, and we all know what happened with that.
I do have a huge problem with Penna going after Ciattarelli’s wife. I have an even bigger problem with the video making it online. I’ve always said family is off limits, unless they make themselves a part of the campaign. Mrs. Ciattarelli has not been an active part of the campaign. I’ve been at events where Jack was and have never met his wife.
I have an even bigger problem with the fact that Penna has a record, during this campaign, of picking fights with women. Back in March we shared video of Penna shouting at Stephanie Sharratt, the Montville Committee Chair. In the same blog post we reported that Penna said he will “destroy” Morris County Chair Laura Ali. It is my understanding Ali did file a complaint with the police.
As luck would have it a lot of other people have a problem with Penna picking on women. So much so that after we posted the press release concerning Penna’s verbal assault on Ciattarelli’s wife someone was kind enough to send me a picture of what I assume is an opposition research memo. The research was conducted on Penna:
It turns out Penna allegedly picks on kids too!
Endangering a Child. Endangering the Welfare of a Child.
According to the document, Penna entered into plea agreements. For the record, entering into a plea agreement does not mean innocent.
And, this is only part 1 of the story. I was promised I will receive hundreds of pages of documents pertaining to the case (and others). Those pages will be posted as soon as I get them. Penna can sue me, it won’t be the first time I’ve been sued.
That’s the Singh campaign folks. A candidate who once complained, “I’ve got 99 problems and they’re all bitches” and a campaign manager with child endangerment charges in his past.
More to come…
And, because I love the fact that Mrs. Ciattarelli called Penna “an arrogant asshole,” which makes me want to meet her now and is an accurate statement, here is the video we didn’t share earlier: