Gubernatorial Primary Heats Up A Little
/Hirsh Singh
I thought about making the headline for this post: Ciattarelli Campaign Hits A Nerve.
No doubt the Ciattarelli campaign has upset Hirsh Sing and his supporters with a mailer that calls Singh out on issues such as the fact he doesn’t pay property taxes and has publicly praised former President Barak Obama.
Looks to me that everything in the mailer is true, I’ve been chucking many of these grenades at Singh since running former Assemblyman Sam Fiocchi’s 2018 congressional campaign – you know the campaign in which the establishment Singh claims to be against heavily backed him.
None of that matters to Singh. He wants to get by screaming “MAGA” and “Trump” and thinks as long as he keeps doing that folks will think he’s the real conservative and no one should challenge him.
Singh got challenged by way of a Ciattarelli campaign mailer. The most recent Ciattarelli mailer so infuriated Singh that he went on social media to argue with folks.
“What do you call this Jack mailer?” Asking the question in response to the social media post implies Singh is calling the mailer “dirty tricks.” Singh then follows that question with, “At least I’m honest.” An obvious attempt at calling Ciattarelli a liar, it doesn’t matter to Singh that the information in the mailer is true.
I’m not going to argue with Singh’s “At least I’m honest” comment and simply remind readers that it was Hirsh Singh who, in 2018, led Republicans to believe he could self-fund when he couldn’t. Don’t take my word for it, read about it in the New Jersey Globe here.
I guess a lot of folks were talking about the most recent Ciattarelli campaign mailer because, not only did Singh take to social media to argue with folks about it, he also shared a post from his number one internet troll, the retired landscaper, out-of-work actor:
I’m not going to defend Chris Russell, he’s a big boy and can defend himself, plus the dude runs like 5,000 miles a week, so I’m fairly certain he’s in better shape than Rullo. You know who I’d bet on.
I will take issue with the claim that Russell “is mailing lies about Hirsh Singh. For fun, I’ll go from the bottom up.
“Attacks women on social media.” Well, Singh did once tweet that he had “99 problems and they’re all bitches.” So, that point is TRUE.
“Hirsh publicly praised and supported Obama.” This one is too easy, I’ve used Singh’s Obama Cairo speech quote in at least a half dozen press releases for two former clients. The point is TRUE.
“Hirsh has financial ties to Phil Murphy and Hillary Clinton.” That point on the mailer states that “Singh’s largest campaign donor is a major donor to liberal Democrats. Again, the point is TRUE.
While the point is true, I would have probably gone a different route and pointed out that the Singh family made at least $35,828,281 during the Obama years. It’s true, I wrote a piece about it last year (read it here).
Oddly, the Singh family government gravy train dropped when President Trump took office. There’s a nice graph showing that in the piece I wrote.
The final point, really the first, “Hirsh pays zero in property taxes.” The point is TRUE.
Hirsh Singh lives at home with his mommy and daddy. He obviously does not pay property taxes. I suspect that means he also doesn’t pay for electricity, gas, internet, cable TV and quite possibly doesn’t pay for his own cell phone or car insurance.
I could be wrong, but I would think folks might want a governor who has faced some of the struggle they themselves faced, at the very least someone who has actually paid a utility bill once in their life.
The shame of it all is Singh could have had a bright political future but instead chooses to keep running for offices beyond his reach and to accuse people of lying about him when they are obviously telling the truth.
The primary is June 8, choose wisely folks. And, hopefully someone will remind me to wish Singh a happy anniversary on winning a beauty contest at the end of the month: