Vincent Squire Strikes Again: Tried To Sue Camden County Board Of Elections, Case Dismissed

Vincent Squire

Vincent Squire

Remember Vincent Squire?

He’s the former Republican freeholder candidate in Camden County disavowed by his own party. He’s also the guy who tried to pull a fast one on the Vineland Development Corporation and solicited $20,000 campaign contributions. There’s more, just type his name in the search bar on the right side of this page.

Squire is at it again!

Back in March he picked up nominating petitions to run for freeholder in Camden County as a Republican. It’s news I was happy to hear because I was looking forward to crushing him in a GOP primary. Unfortunately, I was denied that opportunity because nearly four months later, if my memory is correct on the day to file as an independent, he went back and claimed he was given the wrong petitions in March saying he meant to file as an independent according to a source close to the situation.

Here’s the thing – he couldn’t have been given the wrong petitions in March because, like all candidates, he signed a form for the petitions he picked up. Bottom line: He knew he picked up Republican petitions.

Add to that, Squire was collecting signatures as a Republican. I heard that from members of the Haddonfield and Haddon Township Republican committees. He even has a video on his freeholder campaign Facebook page with a Haddon Heights Republican member of Council.

But, Squire being Squire at some point decided he wanted to run as an independent. So, according to a source close to the situation, Squire marched into the Camden County Board of Elections in June, on the day independent candidates are to file, went back and complained he was given the wrong petitions in the first place and picked up petitions to file as an independent. Squire then went out on filing day and gathered signatures and came back, according to the source, “an hour after the filing deadline” and attempted to file as an independent. Because he arrived after the deadline it was explained to him that he could not file.

That should have been the end of it. Not for Squire. He decided to sue. He lost. Case dismissed.

Maybe this means we are finally done with Vincent Squire. The only unfortunate part of the story is I didn’t get the opportunity to destroy him in an election.

Finally, as luck would have it, the Bob & Steve Show has obtained a copy of the dismissal for your viewing pleasure:

Full story at

Has Disavowed Freeholder Candidate Vincent Squire Lost His Mind? Now He’s Claiming A Real Person Isn’t Real.

Vincent Squire

Vincent Squire

Twice in the same day with this guy, but it truly does appear Vincent Squire has lost his mind.

Squire has been very active on social media today with some ridiculous stuff.

First, Squire chose to share an almost week old post by Paul Dilks to claim “Vengeance” is his.

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This is exactly the point I was trying to make in a blog post shortly after Dilks’ first posted his comments now being shared by Squire. I explained in the blog post, “It helps no one.” Now, perhaps the few people who sided with Dilks understand what I was talking about. Squire is using that post as a way to claim the Camden County GOP attacked him. They didn’t, but in the world of Squire truth often doesn’t matter. We already know Squire was collecting $5 donations for an apparently illegal game of chance, that he attempted to solicit $20,000 campaign contributions and that he paid for billboards.

Given the fact Squire has yet to report raising or spending any money to New Jersey’s Election Law Enforcement Commission, he should be the last person sharing anything that mentions money. He obviously spent money on his billboards and campaign literature.

Not only is Squire using someone else’s social media post to claim vengeance and that he was attacked, he also has made the claim that an actual, real person is a pseudonym for Pennsauken blogger Mike Astringer.


To write, “For those who don’t know Scot DeCristofaro is really Mike Astringer,” is beyond stupid.

Not only is Scot DeCristofaro an elected member of the Camden County Republican Committee from Haddon Township, but DeCristofaro is also a past Republican candidate. In 2009 he knocked on 15,000 doors as a candidate for the Assembly in LD6. In 2010 DeCristofaro ran for Camden County freeholder, the last time Republican freeholder candidates raised enough money for TV ads.

It’s ashamed so many people were duped by Squire into believing he would be a good candidate for office and an even bigger embarrassment that there are people out there who still buy this guy’s cons.

Hopefully, by now, it should be obvious to anyone reading this that Vincent Squire either has a serious problem with the truth or he has simply lost his mind.

Unfortunately, I doubt this will be the last time I write about Squire because he never quits. He doesn’t embarrass easily either. He does have a court date coming soon for the second-degree assault charge hanging over his head, maybe that’ll finally silence him.

Vincent Squire, The Flawed Candidate Who Won’t Go Away

He’s back! Or still making a fool of himself, depending on how you look at it. Vincent Squire, the Republican disavowed by his own party is ranting on social media.

It wasn’t enough that Squire managed to be the lowest vote earner in the Camden County freeholder race, which was quite the accomplishment given that voters had to skip over his name as he was in the middle of his two former running mates on the ballot. Squire also had several billboards and still hasn’t reported raising or spending a dime, a clear violation of New Jersey campaign finance rules.

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Back to Squire’s most recent rant.

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This one was in a closed group on Facebook, the screenshot was sent to us by a reader. Squire was ranting about a donation bin he left at a supermarket.

The back story on Squire’s participation in a local food drive can be read on the Positively Pennsauken blog. Basically, Squire attempted to use the Food Bank of South Jersey as a way to promote his campaign for freeholder.

So, yes, the manager of the supermarket Squire ranted about was absolutely right to send the collection bin back because he was using the food drive as a political stunt. Hopefully, this is the last we hear from Mr. Squire.

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