Vincent Squire, The Flawed Candidate Who Won’t Go Away

He’s back! Or still making a fool of himself, depending on how you look at it. Vincent Squire, the Republican disavowed by his own party is ranting on social media.

It wasn’t enough that Squire managed to be the lowest vote earner in the Camden County freeholder race, which was quite the accomplishment given that voters had to skip over his name as he was in the middle of his two former running mates on the ballot. Squire also had several billboards and still hasn’t reported raising or spending a dime, a clear violation of New Jersey campaign finance rules.

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Back to Squire’s most recent rant.

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This one was in a closed group on Facebook, the screenshot was sent to us by a reader. Squire was ranting about a donation bin he left at a supermarket.

The back story on Squire’s participation in a local food drive can be read on the Positively Pennsauken blog. Basically, Squire attempted to use the Food Bank of South Jersey as a way to promote his campaign for freeholder.

So, yes, the manager of the supermarket Squire ranted about was absolutely right to send the collection bin back because he was using the food drive as a political stunt. Hopefully, this is the last we hear from Mr. Squire.

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